Steps towards wealthiness

So, most of my posts so far have focused on the healthy part of my journey, but wealth is also important.  These often go hand in hand, and when referring to wealth I consider many things beyond monetary wealth, although that is important.  Wealth refers to having a plentiful supply, and this can refer to topics including social, spiritual, emotional, and physical wealth.  Some of the steps I’ve taken is simply spending more time with my wife, taking the initiate to visit important social gatherings, and spending a bit more time in the coffee room speaking with co-workers.  In terms of monetary wealth, my wife and I taking steps and decisions towards being more financially stable and secure.  We find that all of these aspects go full circle back to the healthy eating habits, for instance when doing a juice fast we save money compared to what we’d normally eat and we become healthier while doing so.  This is a win-win, not everything positive has to come with a negative trade-off.

In the future I’ll take a bit more time to focus in my weekly updates, and also support the site with general information and a make-over.  However, an update every week that is consistent is a positive first step in my journey and I hope to begin integrating and participating with like-minded people soon while providing valuable content and updates once other aspects of life become a bit more stable (e.g. having a secure job!).