Synopsis of Wellness Week

On the first day with no solid foods at all, except for the flax.  Felt good for the most part, a bit sluggish throughout the day and was really looking forward to the tomato soup for dinner.  The herbal tea is very nice to drink throughout the day and my hunger only hit me a few times, but it wasn’t too tempting to break off the plan due to the conviction to follow when we started.

The rest of the week went by without too much troubles.  I never really had a strong hunger, and was surprised by how easy everything went.  By the end though I was very ready to eat again, even though during the fast it seemed like I could do it indefinitely.

I am planning to do another wellness week in the future, both to lose weight and to reboot my eating habits.  I’d say the flax really helped for not needing to eat throughout the day and the juices were very satisfying.  When I ate potato chips after the fast, I realized how unfulfilling they were in comparison to more robust food choices that leave you more satisfied and are healthier.  In the future I would plan to use a different assortment of juices compared to what was provided in the fast, which concentrated primarily on fruit juices.