First juice fast

Today marks a first step in my health journey.  It seems for months I have been trying to rise myself out of a rut of bad habits and bad circumstances, and for every temporary adjustment of my habits a yo-yo effect towards unhealthy habits followed.

I am trying with my wife a Biotta juice fast, it is a seven day program with a transition day to begin and end.  Today I completed the first transition day which included three meals and juice.  The next five days is juice only, with herbal tea and flax seeds.  I’m a bit worried about how tough it will be, but from what I’ve found in the past big challenges are not so difficult if you go in with a strong mind and dedication.

I’ve been preparing for this fast for a few weeks now, and I’m dedicated to finishing it no matter how hard the week is.  And hey, if my wife’s there doing it with me, at least we’re both suffering together.


P.S. pic credit goes to my lovely wife